Manyuan Zhang

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Ph.D. candidate
Multimedia Laboratory
Department of Electornic Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Office: SHB 304, CUHK, Hong Kong S.A.R., China
Scholar CV Github Linkin

About me

I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at Multimedia Lab (MMLab), the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I am supervised by Prof.Hongsheng Li and Prof.Xiaogang Wang. I received my bachelor's degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 2019. Now, I am also a Researcher at SenseTime Research, working closely with Yu Liu and Guanglu Song.

In my more than five-year career at the SenseTime Research, I have been involved in many projects from scratch. We built the most reliable face recognition system in the world at that time (the champion of FRVT, ICCV MFR), the best video recognition model (the champion of ActivityNet Challenge Kinetics700), reimplemented the AI of StarCraft2 (DI-star) from scratch, developed an autonomous driving algorithm based on reinforcement learning (DI-drive), and most recently, the text-to-image AIGC product SenseMirage. If you are interested in my work or career, please feel free to contact me.


  • [2024-03] One paper accepted to SIGGRAPH2024.

  • [2023-07] Two paper accepted to ICCV2023.

  • [2023-07] I pass the PhD candidate test.

  • [2023-05] I am invited to be a reviewer for NIPS2023 and ICLR2023.

  • [2023-02] One paper accepted to CVPR 2023.

  • [2022-12] I am invited to be a reviewer for CVPR2023 and ICCV2023.

  • [2022-07] One paper accepted to ECCV 2022.

  • [2022-04] I am invited to be a reviewer for ECCV2022 and NIPS2022.

  • [2022-04] I am invited to ’智东西’ to give a talk about imitation learning in automatic driving.

  • [2021-10] We win three championships of ICCV 2021 Masked Face Recognition Challenge on glink360k track, unconstrained track and Webface260M track. Code and solutions will be released very soon.

  • [2021-07] We release DI-drive, the decision intelligence platform for autonomous driving simulation. I am responsible for the imitation learning part.

  • [2021-07] One paper accepted to ICCV 2021.

  • [2021-05] We win the championship of NIST FRVT 1:1.

  • [2020-12] We win the championship of NIST FRVT 1:N.

  • [2020-06] We win 2 championships of ActivityNet on the Spatio-temporal Action Localization (AVA) track and the Trimmed Activity Recognition (Kinetics 700) track.

  • [2020-06] One paper accepted to ECCV 2020.

  • [2020-04] We release the X-Temporal for easily implement SOTA video understanding methods with PyTorch on multiple machines and GPUs.

  • [2019-10] One paper accepted to ICCV 2019 LFR workshop.

  • [2019-10] We win the championship of ICCV19 Multi-Moments in Time (MIT) Challenge.

  • [2019-10] We win the championship of ICCV19 Lightweight Face Recognition Challenge.

Recent Publications

*equal contribition

Challenge Awards

Technical Report

Selected Projects

  • X-Xemporal
    Easily implement SOTA video understanding methods with PyTorch on multiple machines and GPU.

  • DI-drive
    Decision Intelligence Platform for Autonomous Driving simulation.

Working Experience